英國女皇大學 / 英國貿易文化辦事處聯合獎學金
Queen's University Belfast Scholarship for/BTCO Taiwanese Students


The Queen's University of Belfast offers ONE scholarship jointly with the British Trade and Cultural Office, for a self-financed postgraduate student from Taiwan admitted to the University.

ONE scholarship is available in the 2003/2004 academic year for an outstanding scholar from Taiwan to attend one of the below-mentioned Masters courses at Queen's University


  1. Candidates must be citizens of Taiwan and be normally resident in Taiwan.

  2. Candidates must be self-financed and must register as full-time postgraduate students of the University.

  3. The scholarship may be held for one year only.

  4. The scholarship may be held by a student on any postgraduate degree course offered by the University.

  5. The value of this scholarship is:

    - full tuition fee
    - cost of a up to 2 month Pre-Sessional English Language course where required as part of the offer

    one economy class return airfare from Taipei to UK

  6. All candidates who have firmly accepted an offer of a place on a postgraduate degree course may apply for this scholarship on a Scholarship Application Form available from the British Council Taipei. The completed form must be returned to the British Council Taipei by 30 March 2003 at the latest.

  7. Scholars will be selected by a Joint Queen's University of Belfast - British Trade and Cultural Office Selection Panel.

  8. Applications for admission to postgraduate courses or research should be sent to:

    Dr Gerry Cleary,
    International Office,
    Lanyon Building North,
    Queen's University Belfast,
    N. Ireland, UK.
    BT7 1NN


    英國女皇大學  駐台灣辨事處
    TEL: 02-2214-5868
    Email: qub.asia@msa.hinet.net

The range of courses include:

Computer Science and Applications
Computer Based Learning
Environmental Engineering
Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Opto-electronics and Optical Information Processing
Polymer Science

The scholar must pay for all accommodation and living expenses. Accommodation will be provided in university-owned accommodation on or near the campus. The scholarship is not intended to support an individual who is primarily interested in pursuing an academic career, but rather a person who is likely to become a future leader, decision-maker or opinion former in government, commercial field or the media.



英國女皇大學  駐台灣辨事處
TEL: 02-2214-5868
Email: qub.asia@msa.hinet.net