at Leeds is a large and lively section in the School of Education, one of the UK's premier
teacher education providers. The School of Education has one of the country's top
research ratings, and TESOL staff have international reputations in teaching and research.
The University is a large campus University, set in a city with a great variety of
cultural attractions, and near to some of the most beautiful countryside in the UK.
Taught Courses
- MEd TESOL Young Learners
- MEd TESOL (Distance Learning)
- Access to TESOL Certificate
- Teaching English to Young Learners Certificate
- BA TESOL (Oman)
- BA Electives
- PGCE TESOL module
Research interests
PhD & EdD
- English for Young Learners
- Teacher education
- Language teaching tasks
- Skills development
- Classroom discourse and teacher-learner interaction
- Metaphor and vocabulary development
TESOL Content
We are trying to develop understanding of relationships between teaching and
learning in a TESOL context, through the study of:
- language skill development. This includes, for example: the
role of tasks, cognitive processing and interaction in the development of speaking in
L2; the teaching and learning of listening; the teaching and learning of
grammar and its relationship to vocabulary; how children learn to write in the L2; ways
story may develop children's L2
- the links between learners' conceptual development and their
development; the role of cognitive, affective and cultural factors in
language learning
- the role of materials in supporting teaching and learning
- classroom testing and programme evaluation
- interactions between teachers and learners; learners and
learners; trainer and teachers; trainer-trainer and trainers. This includes for
example: types of trainer interventions which promote trainer/teacher learning; ways
classroom discourse may support teacher and student learning
- what a TESOL teacher or trainer needs to know and how he/she
comes to know it. This includes, for example, how teachers come to understand how students
of various ages and from various contexts learn; the role of distance mode and
technology in the learning of teachers
We try to understand the language we teach through investigating:
- the skills and processes involved in listening, speaking,
reading, writing
in an L2
- native-speaker patterns of use of English, and the meanings
- vocabulary, collocation and metaphor
Speakers of Other Languages
Our focus is on the following groups in a variety of language contexts, L1, L2 and
- Language Learners of all ages in both state school systems
and the private sector
- Language Learners in tertiary institutions
- TESOL teachers and TESOL teacher educators
As the diagram above shows, we recognise that the above
factors come together in particular educational settings. We try to understand the
influence of contextual factors on the thinking and behaviours of people in TESOL
classrooms through a study of the complex relationships between such areas as cultures,
contexts; policies; planning; educational change; biographies and histories.
More Information:
University of Leeds
School of Education
Ms Jennifer Javis, Senior Lecturer
E-Mail: J.I.L.Jarvis@education.leeds.ac.uk