(Centre for English Language Teaching) forms part of the Institute of Education at the
University of Stirling and was set up in 1981. Courses
- BA in English Language and Business
- BA in English Language Teaching
- BA in English as a Foreign Language
- English Language Development Courses available all year round including
summer school
- English for University Study Courses
Diploma in TESOL
This programme is open to both native and non-native speakers of English and to graduates
of any discipline. The course provides a practical and thorough training in TESOL for
those with or without previous teaching experience. On completion, students should possess
the practical classroom skills to be confident, critically reflective, and enterprising
teachers of English as a second/foreign language.
The Postgraduate Diploma, lasting from September to June,
is awarded on successful completion of 6 taught modules.
Two methods of study are available for the MSc TESOL.
Students who do not have 2+ years appropriate teaching experience take 8 modules plus a
project (10,000 words). Students who have 2+ years appropriate teaching experience take
EITHER 6 taught modules plus a dissertation (20,000 words) OR 8 taught module plus a
project (10,000 words).
The Programme is structured as follows:
All students are required to take the following units
- Second Language Acquisition (Autumn)
- The ELT Curriculum (Spring)
Students with less classroom experience are also require to
take the following units (some of which may also be taken by more experienced students):
- Teaching of Skills (Autumn)
- Teaching Elements (Spring)
- Classroom Observation (Autumn)
- Microteaching (Spring)
All students may chose other units in the appropriate
semesters from the following:
- Description of Written Language (Autumn)
- Description of Spoken Language (Spring)
- Evaluating Language Learning (Spring)
- Introduction to Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
- Computer hardware, CALL management and electronic
communications (Autumn)
- Developing CALL Softward (Spring)
- Software Enhancement and Data-driven Learning (Spring)
N.B. Students with classroom experience may want to take
all four units in Computer Assisted Language Learning in order to develop a specialism in
the field.
Research interests
- Classroom language learning
- The introduction and impact of curriculum innovations in language teaching
- Second language acquisition
- Child language and literacy development
- The application of genre analysis to language learning
- CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) and Information Technology
for Language Teaching
- Using the Web for language teaching
- Creating CALL resources and tasks
- Multi-media for language learning
- How and why teacher attitudes to language learning change during training
and teaching
- What grammar is included in text books and courses of study and why?
- Cross-cultural issues in classrooms
- Pronunciation
- Self-access CALL
For more
information please contact:
University of Stirling, CELT,
Telephone: +44 1786 467934
Stephanie Tytler, Associate Director
E-Mail : Stephanie.Tytler@stir.ac.uk