Chinese Version (中文版)    

(多媒體、軟體技術及資訊系統) 後轉型而來的學位,可說是門相當實用的課程,建立在多媒體/HCI、資料庫科技及資料管理的組合基礎上。電子商務互動科技課程的設計目的在於提供顧及到下列各項發展的課程內容:

1.)  新一代的美國企業家已經成功地在科技進展上創下功績,但是歐洲地區的企業在利用新科技來創造事業成就上卻顯得落後許多。

2.)  資料庫技術 (智慧型資料倉儲系統) 已逐漸被運用到以正確觀念的消費者為目標來傳送資訊的作業上。電子商務企業正在全世界蓬勃地發展,並影響到本土型企業的市場佔有率。不過由嘉德集團 (Gartner Group) 所進行的研究卻指出在第二代的電子商務 (同樣充著投機性,但卻建立在更安全的基礎上) 出之後,考慮欠佳的"E-Venture" (電子商務的投機事業) 將發生大崩潰的現象。

3.)  第二代電子商務的發展取決於終端使用者的智慧型資訊系統 (以網際網路為基礎 ) 之間的互動性能否增加 - 因此產生了另一個新名詞 I-Commerce (互動商業 ),即 Interactive Technologies for e-Commerce (電子商務互動科技) 的簡稱。


 課程期限: 一年


 入學資格:認可的學位或其他同期資格。英文程度 IELTS 5.5 或同級資格。工作經驗非決非本課程之必備條件。最好具備電腦相關資識。但非決絕對必要。


     School of Computing, Napier University
     Craiglockhart Campus
     219 Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH14 1DJ

English Version (英文版)

MSc/PgDip Interactive Technologies for e-Commerce

This new MSc is based upon existing IT-conversion masters degrees in multimedia, software technology and information systems.  It is a very practical programme, based on combination of Multimedia/HCI, Database Technology and Information Management.  The Interactive Technologies for e-Commerce programme is devised to offer a curriculum that takes into consideration the following developments:

a.)  Advances in technology have been exploited successfully by a new generation of business entrepreneurs in the USA, but European businesses have been slower to build business success by exploiting new technology.

b.) Database technology (intelligent data warehousing) is increasingly being used to target information for consumers with the correct profile.  Already e-Commerce businesses are flourishing all over the world and affecting the market share of local business.  However research by the Gartner Group suggests a major collapse of ill-advised e-ventures, followed by a second generation of e-commerce, equally opportunistic but built on more secure foundations.

c.) Second generation e-Commerce will depend on heightened interactivity with the end-user and intelligent information systems, based upon Internet technology - hence the introduction of the term I-Commerce - Interactive Technologies for e-Commerce

 Career opportunities

E-Commerce project leaders, website developers.


One full calendar year.

 Core Subjects

Internet Multimedia, Database Systems, Interactivity and The Internet, Group Project/Research Skills, Information Management, Business Transformation, Very Large Databases: Warehousing and Mining, and, Electronic Commerce.

 Entry qualifications

A recognised degree or other qualification at equivalent level.  English language proficiency of IELTS 5.5 or equivalent.  Work experience is not required for this programme.  Computing experience is preferred but not essential.

For further information please contact:

     School of Computing, Napier University
     Craiglockhart Campus
     219 Colinton Road, Edinburgh EH14 1DJ

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