A new school year is here. This student started learning English with ESLI at Trinity Western University in the beginner class. Look where she is now!

當我剛到加拿大時,我的英文很不好。我記得我當時連「你好嗎?」這句話都不會講!但是很不可思議的是,在幾年之後,我已經開始上大學正式課程,我也已經拿到了一個 BA (文學學位)。現在,我也快完成第二個學位課程 - 心理學。用第二外語上大學的課程不是件簡單的事,但卻也不是遙不可及的事。我的父母親當出將我安排到TWU的語言中心(ESLI)上課,把我安排住在學校宿舍裡,不但使我的英語能力突飛猛進,也讓我因為與加拿大學生同住在學校宿舍裡,而對加拿大的文化有更深入的認識。在此,很感謝ESLI的老師一直不斷地鼓勵我,另外也特別謝謝我的父母親,為我做出這樣正確的決定。

Ju-Youn Yoon

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When I first came to Canada, I had very poor English. I still recall that I could not even say, "How are you doing?" Amazingly, after few years, I began to study for the university courses, and I am finished one BA (Bachelor degree of Art). Now, I am almost finished another bachelor in psychology as my second major. Studying in university with other language is not an easy task, but everyone can do. My parents chose ESLI program in TWU for me and put me into the dormitory. Not only have I learned English faster, but also I have learned their culture while I was living in the dorm with Canadian students. I deeply appreciate ESLI teachers who have kept encouraged me, and special thanks for my parents who got the right choice.

April 7, 2000
Ju-Youn Yoon     

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