Training & Profeesional Development
source :
University of Queensland
Teacher Training & Professional Development
A very successful
fixed-date, mixed nationality English & Methodology for TESOL
Purposes (EMTP) Program was held at ICTE-UQ in July - August. With
three class groups, this was the largest fixed-date program ever.
Participants included a group of secondary school teachers from
Shanghai, as well as individual enrollees from Japan, South Korea,
Taiwn, Hong Kong and Thailand.
A special four-week
English & Methodology program was delivered to a group of Maths/Science
bilingual teachers from Shanghai in July-August.
Two four-week group
EMTP programs were offered for teachers from Shanghai & Hangzhou
in the July-September period.
During 2001, ICTE-UQ
has delivered the English for TESOL Professional Purposes (ETPP)
program to 92 Hong Kong primary and secondary teachers, both in Hong
Kong and in Brisbane, as part of the Hong Kong government's five year
skills upgrading project for English language teachers.
ICTE-UQ has offered the School for International Training (SIT) TESOL
Certificate (SIT-TC) in Bangkok twice this year and will offer the
four-week program again at ICTE-UQ during November.
ICTE-UQ is licensed
by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) to
deliver the Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA).
The four-week CELTA program has been successfully delivered at ICTE-UQ
three times during 2001, in January, May and October.